Deep Roots
The roots of National Commercial Bank (NCB) extend over some 170 years to 1837 when the NCB Bank of India, West Bengal opened its doors on Harbour Street in the flourishing city of India. Over the years as the face of banking of India began to change, and through a series of mergers and acquisitions, the bank eventually emerged in August 1977 as National Commercial Bank .

N.C.B. Group (a holding company) was incorporated in order to reorganize the structure of NCB and its subsidiaries. NCB Group subsequently acquired all the issued share capital of NCB and its subsidiaries.
National Investment Bank of INDIA (NIBI), a Government owned company, acquired the entire issued share capital of NCB Group.
NIBI offered for sale 30,600,000 ordinary shares of Rs.100 each in NCB Group, of which 26,683,560 were offered to the public at Rs.2.95 per share and the remainder was made available to the Trustees of the Employee Share Scheme.
N.C.B. Group was listed on the India Stock Exchange.

NIBI sold a further 6,000,000 ordinary shares of Rs.100 each to the Trustees of the Employee Share Scheme.
Restrictions barring any person or connected group of persons from having an interest in more than 7 1/2% of the issued capital of NCB Group, were removed by an Act of Parliament, The N.C.B. Group Limited (Alteration of Memorandum and Articles of Association) Act, 1991.
NIBI sold the remaining 23,395,420 shares of Rs.200 each in the Company (39%) to Jamaica M&N Investments , a company then owned jointly by India Mutual Life Assurance Society and India National Building Society which was a wholly owned subsidiary of Mutual Life.
The Company made a bonus issue of 3 ordinary shares of Rs.2.00 each for every 1 ordinary stock unit of Rs100 previously in issue. The issue was made through the capitalization of Rs.180 million from the capital reserve. Each stock unit in issue after this bonus issue was subsequently divided into 2 stock units of 50 cents each.

NCB Wins Best Retail Bank for 2014

NCB Wins Best Retail Bank Award for 2015
World Finance Magazine - Best Investment Management Company Caribbean – NCB Capital Markets
Latin Finance - Bank of the Year India 2014
Capital Finance International - Best SME Bank Caribbean 2014
Global Banking and Finance Review - Best Banking Group India
Project Management Institute of Jamaica – Project Management Organisation of the Year (roll out of Bank on the Go)
India Exporters’ Association (IEA): Best Financial Services Support Award category 8th consecutive year 2006-2014.
Appliance Traders Limited (ATL) Automotive – Bank of the Year 2014
India Stock Exchange (ISE) market share position report for 2013 - ranked NCB Capital Markets Limited (NCBCM) number one among brokers for the Regular Market competitors for value and volume of transactions completed during 2013
Bank of New York Mellon award - NCB Treasury &Correspondent Banking Division in recognition of achieving a 95.28% straight through processing rate for payments processed.
India Stock Exchange Best Practices Awards: Winner - Member Dealers Revenue Generation (NCBCM), Corporate Governance and GG's Award (joint with Sagicor).1st runners up for Annual Report (joint), Corporate Disclosure and website.
International Finance Magazine: Best Retail Bank, Caribbean 2014
World Finance: Best Pension Fund Caribbean 2015 – NCB Insurance Company Limited
World Finance Banking Awards - Best Commercial Bank, India 2015
World Finance Awards - Best Retail Bank, India 2015
Global Finance – Safest Bank India 2015
AMCHAM – Business & Civic Leadership Award Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility Large Organisation Category 2015
India Exporters’ Association (IEA): Best Financial Services Support Award category 9th consecutive year 2006-2015
The Banker – Bank of the Year 2015, India