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Four major types of credit cards are Visa, Mastercard, India Expres
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Introductory MeetingSavings account is a basic account type that lets you deposit money
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Introductory MeetingA current account, also known as financial account is a type of deposi
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Introductory MeetingFinance, of financing, is the process of raising funds or capital for
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Introductory MeetingTypes of Investments Stocks. Bonds. Mutual Funds and ETFs. Bank Produc
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Introductory MeetingSo, what exactly is a Fixed Deposit? In a Fixed Deposit, you put a lum
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25,000 Indian rupeesA life insurance plan is a contract between an insurance policyholder
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52,000 Indian rupeesA mutual fund is a financial vehicle that pools assets from shareholde
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15,000 Indian rupeeshat is General Insurance. Definition: Insurance contracts that do not
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