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The On The Go Standard is an account designed to help you separate your every-day transactions from your Savings.

18        2500    N/A

 Min Age        Min. Opening   Frequency



An NCB Quick Save account makes it easier for you to start your financial journey so you can focus on achieving your goals. This account is great for customers who may not have all the required documentation to open a Regular Save account. Let us help you get your financial journey started.

                BASIC SAVINGS

       Regular Save

An NCB Regular Save account allows you to save money at your own pace. You can make withdrawals or deposits when you need to while you continue to earn interest.

 Min Age        Min. Opening   Frequency


Max Deposit

NCB Max Deposit allows you to benefit from higher interest rates usually linked to longer term investment in a short term.

Watch your money escalate! Secure savings, Strong returns. Your savings go up!

 18         50,000   1 - 12 Months

 Min Age        Min. Opening          Frequency


The NCB S.T.A.R.T account is the perfect beginning to a child's financial future. Save Today And Reap Tomorrow... The first steps to financial security.

 0             1000          1 - 12                                          Months

 Min Age        Min. Opening          Frequency

                  HIGH INTEREST

Sunshine Savers

Regular & Consistent Savings Reap Rich Rewards - Looking for earning potential and great banking privileges?

 18        1,25,000          1 - 12                                          Months

 Min Age        Min. Opening          Frequency

Special Occasions
Savings Plan

Plan towards your goals!

 18         75,000          1 - 12                                          Months

 Min Age        Min. Opening          Frequency

Gold Club

Maturity deserves its rewards. NCB understands your needs and lifestyle, which is why, we present an account specially designed to help you fulfill your needs in the best manner possible.

 18         15,000          1 - 12                                          Months

 Min Age        Min. Opening          Frequency


A fixed deposit double scheme is typically offered by banking institutions and needs entities to deposit particular sums for a fixed period. The interest that has been earned on such deposits would eventually double the money, and it is then handed back to the investor at the end of the term.

 0-18        25,000          1 - 12                                          Months

 Min Age        Min. Opening          Frequency

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